• Standard Terms and Conditions

    Standard Terms and Conditions
    These terms and conditions govern the contract for the provision of goods and/or
    services between HOUSING SOLUTIONS, a registered Community Benefit
    Society, whose registered office is at Crown House, Crown Square, Waldeck Road,
    Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 8BY (“Us”, “We” or “Our”) and the company orperson
    named in the Purchase Order (“You” or “Your”).
    The definitions appear at the end of these terms.

  • 1. Ordering of Goods and Services

    1. Ordering of Goods and Services
    1.1. We will place any orders for Goods and Services in writing using a
    Purchase Order which will set out the Goods and/or Services We
    require from You and the dates on which We require them from You.
    1.2. If We place a Purchase Order with You this will constitute an offer
    by Us to buy the Goods and/or Services from You subject to this
    1.3. These terms will apply to the Contract between us to the exclusion
    of any other terms which You seek to impose or incorporate whether
    in writing or otherwise or which are implied by law, trade, custom,
    practice or course of dealing.
    1.4. The Purchase Order and these terms and conditions shall be
    deemed to be accepted on the earlier of (a) You issuing a written
    acceptance of the Purchase Order, (b) You doing any act consistent
    with fulfilling the Purchase Order or (c) the expiry of 5 Working Days
    of the date of the Purchase Order, at which point the Contract shall
    come into existence.
    1.5. No variation to a Purchase Order or to these terms and conditions
    will be binding on Us unless they are issued or confirmed in writing
    by Us and signed by one of Our authorised representatives.

  • 2. Start and length of the Contract

    2. Start and length of the Contract
    2.1. The Contract will start on the Commencement Date and will continue
    in force until the date on which You have delivered the Goods and/or
    completed the Services in accordance with all Purchase Orders
    and/or Specifications (as applicable); or the date on which either of
    us ends the Contract under clause 19, whichever is earliest.

  • 3. Your Responsibilities

    3. Your Responsibilities
    3.1. If You supply Us with Goods You warrant to Us that the Goods shall:
    a) correspond with their description and any applicable
    b) be of satisfactory quality in accordance with all statutory
    requirements and fit for the purpose required by Us,
    whether expressly or by implication, or represented to
    Us by You;
    c) where they are manufactured products, they shall be
    free of defects in design, materials and workmanship
    and shall remain so for 12 months after Delivery;
    d) comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory
    requirements relating to the manufacture, labelling,
    packaging, storage, handling and delivery of the
    3.2. In the event you are providing Services to Us You shall provide the
    a) using the reasonable skill and care to be expected of a
    professional person or organisation providing similar
    services to the Services;
    b) employing people with suitable ability, skill, knowledge,
    training and experience to provide and supervise the
    c) following all codes of practice, and quality standards
    applicable to the Services; and,
    d) acting in accordance with all legal obligations which
    apply to the Services at the relevant time.
    3.3. You will ensure that Your staff, volunteers and permitted
    subcontractors are aware of their responsibilities under this Contract
    and any legal requirements which relate to the Goods and/or
    3.4. You shall provide the Goods and/or Services at the location or
    Delivery Address and on the dates or within the timeframe stated in
    the Purchase Order or the Specification (as applicable).
    3.5. When this Contract ends You will return all of Our Equipment within
    10 (ten) Working Days of the end of the Contract.
    3.6. You shall ensure at all times that You have and will maintain all the
    licences, permissions, authorisations, consents and permits that
    You needs to carry out Your obligations under the Contract.
    3.7. You shall at all time comply with the Mandatory Policies.

  • 4. Our Responsibilities

    4. Our Responsibilities
    4.1. In order to help You to provide the Goods and/or Services We will:
    a) provide You with access to the Property and to Our
    Equipment as You may reasonably need and at the
    times we agree between us; and
    b) tell You about any health and safety rules and
    regulations and any other reasonable security
    requirements that apply at the Property.

  • 5. Terms relating to Goods

    5. Terms relating to Goods
    5.1. When you supply Goods to Us you must:
    a) allow Us to inspect or test the Goods during manufacture,
    processing or storage at Your premises or the premises of Your
    supplier, but We will only carry out any inspection or testing at
    reasonable times. If, following inspection or testing, We consider
    that the Goods do not or are unlikely to comply with the undertakings
    in clause 3.1 We shall inform You and You shall take such remedial
    action as is necessary at Your own cost. We reserve the right to
    inspect and test the Goods again after such remedial action is taken;
    b) mark the Goods in accordance with Our instructions and any
    applicable laws and regulations and securely pack them so that that
    they reach the Delivery Address in an undamaged condition;
    c) supply Us with any instructions or other information which We may
    need to accept delivery of the Goods and/or use the Goods;
    5.2. We will be entitled to reject any Goods delivered to Us which are not
    in accordance with this Contract, and We will not be deemed to have
    accepted any Goods until We have had a reasonable time to inspect
    them after they have been delivered to the Delivery Address.
    5.3. Where You cannot give Us the date for delivery of the Goods until
    after We have placed a Purchase Order, You must give Us
    reasonable advance notice of the date for delivery.
    5.4. At our discretion, We may not accept or pay any invoices for partial
    delivery of any Goods.
    5.5. Risk of, damage to or loss of the Goods will pass to Us on delivery
    to the Delivery Address and acceptance of the Goods by Us,
    notwithstanding that title may have passed to Us in the event of
    payment before delivery.
    5.6. Ownership of and title to the whole of the Goods will pass to Us upon
    delivery to the Delivery Address, unless We pay you for the Goods
    before delivery, in which case title will pass to Us once We have paid
    You for the Goods concerned.

  • 6. Invoicing and payments

    6. Invoicing and payments
    6.1. In return for You carrying out Your obligations under this Contract,
    We will pay You the Fee.
    6.2. The Fee will be as set out in the Purchase Order and subject to the
    Purchase Order the Fee shall include all costs of packaging,
    insurance and carriage of the Goods and all costs associated with
    providing the Services. No additional charges or variation to the Fee
    shall be effective unless agreed in writing by Us.
    6.3. We will pay You the Fee in arrears, within 30 days from the date We
    receive a valid and undisputed invoice.
    6.4. You will send us the invoice promptly and electronically.
    6.5. Any invoice You send to Us must quote the Purchase Order number
    otherwise the invoice will not be valid and We will not pay the
    6.6. The Fee includes all materials and equipment, and You will not
    charge Us for any extra costs or expenses whatsoever unless they
    are agreed with Us in advance.
    6.7. The Fee does not include VAT. If VAT is due, We will pay this on
    top of the Fee, if You provide Us with a valid VAT invoice.
    6.8. If We have not paid You the Fee within 30 Working Days of the date
    of Your invoice, You may charge Us interest on the amount of any
    late payment (unless the invoice was not valid or We disagree with
    the unpaid amount). The interest will be worked out every day, from
    the date We should have paid the Fee to the date when We actually
    make the payment. The interest rate that will apply will be 2% over
    the base rate of Barclays Bank plc.
    6.9. If any query about mistakes in the Fee cannot be settled within 10
    (ten) Working Days of either party raising the query, either party may
    ask for the disagreement to be dealt with under clause 22 and an
    appropriate adjustment to the Fee may be made once the
    disagreement is settled or decided.
    6.10. We will be entitled to set off any sums You owe to Us against the

  • 7. Contact details

    7. Contact details
    7.1. Before receipt of the Purchase Order, You must advise Us of the
    name and contact details of Your appointed person who is
    responsible for matters relating to the Contract.

  • 8. Service Reviews

    8. Service Reviews
    8.1. You must allow Us to inspect or witness the Services.
    8.2. In addition, We may periodically carry out a Service Review. We will
    always act reasonably when carrying out any Service Review and
    wherever practicable will give You at least 1 months’ notice if we
    intend to carry out a Service Review.

  • 9. Legal Duties

    9. Legal Duties
    9.1. You must fully co-operate with Us when We are carrying out any
    legal duty and give Us any information or help at no cost that We
    may need, as long as We have given You reasonable notice.
    9.2. If We require copies of information, reports, financial accounts,
    documents and records which relate to the Contract and which
    You have access to then You shall provide such access upon Us
    giving You reasonable notice.
    9.3. You must allow Us to take copies of the information referred to in
    clause 9.2 at no extra charge.
    9.4. We will treat any information You provide under this clause 9 as
    Confidential Information.

  • 10. Equal Opportunities

    10. Equal Opportunities
    10.1. You must have an equal opportunities policy in place within Your
    organisation for as long as this Contract is in force and give Us a
    copy of this policy if We ask to see it

  • 11. Records and information

    11. Records and information
    11.1. At Our reasonable request You must provide Us with all information
    which We may ask for to assess how You are carrying out Your
    responsibilities under this Contract.
    11.2. You must tell Us if:
    a) there is a change in who controls most of the shares in,
    or the voting rights among shareholders or members
    of, Your organisation;
    b) You merge with another organisation;
    c) You transfer Your activities or business to another
    d) as a result of any misconduct or mismanagement on
    Your part, a Regulatory Body orders an inquiry into
    Your affairs; or
    e) any registration which You must maintain to provide
    any of the Goods or Services is withdrawn, suspended
    or cancelled, or is threatened to be withdrawn,
    suspended or cancelled.
    11.3. Failure to comply with this clause 11 may at our discretion result in
    termination of the Contract in accordance with clause 19.2 (material

  • 12. Data Protection Law

    12. Data Protection Law
    12.1. In performing Your obligations under this Contract You agree to
    comply with all legal requirements relating to privacy and the
    processing of personal data, including all applicable guidance and
    codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office
    or any replacement EU or UK data protection or related privacy
    legislation from time to time in force in force in England and Wales.

  • 13. Health and safety

    13. Health and safety
    13.1. You must protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Your staff,
    volunteers and sub-contractors at all times. You must follow the
    conditions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and any other
    health and safety regulations and codes of practice in force at the
    relevant time.
    13.2. You must ensure that Your staff observe all health and safety rules
    and regulations and any other security requirements We inform You
    about (which must be reasonable) at any of Our premises or any of
    the Properties.

  • 14. Confidentiality

    14. Confidentiality
    14.1. Both parties will ensure that You and Us (and any person You have
    employed or appointed to provide the Goods and Services) will:
    a) only use Confidential Information for the purposes of
    this Contract; and
    b) not release any Confidential Information to anyone else
    without the other party’s permission in writing (which
    We will be entitled to refuse without giving any reason).
    14.2. We and You may release Confidential Information to any consultant,
    contractor or other person involved with this Contract or who is
    involved in providing the Goods or Services, if the person concerned
    has signed a confidentiality agreement on similar terms as are set
    out in this clause 14.
    14.3. The restrictions in clause 14.1 will continue to apply for a period of
    5 (five) years after the Contract has come to an end, but they will
    not apply (whether while this Contract is in force or when:
    a) it is available to the public (except if this is as a result
    of either of You or Us breaching this clause);
    b) either of You or Us has to release it by law;
    c) it was already in Your or Our possession without any
    restriction as to its use;
    d) either of You or Us receive from someone else who is
    not restricted from disclosing it; or
    e) any Regulatory Body tells You or Us that it must be

  • 15. Intellectual Property Rights

    15. Intellectual Property Rights
    15.1. Nothing in this Contract shall affect the ownership of any Intellectual
    Property Rights existing prior to the date of or generated outside the
    scope of this Contract which You or Us may make available to each
    other. Any Intellectual Property created, generated or developed
    from the Goods and/or Services shall be owned by Us, whether
    created by Us, by You or by both parties together and You agree
    that You will sign any deeds or documents which may be necessary
    to transfer any Intellectual Property Rights in the Goods and/or
    Services to Us.
    15.2. If any Intellectual Property Rights which We need to use in respect
    of the Goods and Services are owned by a third party and You are
    unable to transfer them to Us, You agree that You will grant Us a
    licence to use such Intellectual Property Rights, or obtain permission
    from the third party for Us to use such Intellectual Property Rights
    without charge and with no limit in time for the purpose of using the
    Goods and/or Services.
    15.3. You agree that if We receive a claim from any third party claiming
    that You have passed on their Intellectual Property Rights illegally
    or without permission You will pay Us the amount of money which
    is claimed from Us by the third party without Us having to take You
    to court to enforce this right. Any claim We may make from You
    under this clause 15 will be unlimited in value.

  • 16. Insurance

    16. Insurance
    16.1. For as long as this Contract is in force and for a period of 6 (six)
    years after it ends, You must take out and keep the minimum levels
    of insurance cover set out in clause 16.2. You must also make sure
    that any of Your sub-contractors who are providing any or all of the
    Goods and/or Services on Your behalf take out the same levels of
    16.2. You will insure with a reputable insurer against all normal insurance
    risks relevant to your work for or with Us, on terms and foramounts
    consistent with normal business prudence, and without limitation at
    all times at levels of: Employers' Liability £5m each and every claim;
    Public Liability £5m for claims arising from a single event; and
    Professional Indemnity £2m for claims arising from a single event..
    16.3. You will demonstrate to Us the terms of any such insurance on
    16.4. If We do not think that any of the insurance policies provide enough
    cover to meet clause 16.2, We will tell You and You must rectify this

  • 17. Liabilities

    17. Liabilities
    17.1. Neither of us excludes or limits Your or Our liability for:
    a) Death or personal injury caused by our negligence;
    b) Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
    c) Breach of any obligations as to title implied by Section 12 of
    the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or Section 2 of the Supply of
    Goods and Services Act 1982.
    17.2. You shall indemnify Us against all actions, claims, demands,
    proceedings, damages, costs, legal costs (calculated on a full
    indemnity basis) and all other reasonable costs and expenses
    arising out of, or in connection with this Contract including but not
    limited to:
    a) Any claim made against Us for actual or alleged
    infringement of a third party's Intellectual Property
    Rights arising out of or in connection with the
    manufacture, supply or use of the Goods or the carrying
    out of the Services to the extent that the claim is
    attributable to the acts or omissions of You, Your
    employees, agents or subcontractors;
    b) Any claim made against Us by a third party for death,
    personal injury or damage to property arising out of or
    in connection with defects in Goods or breach of
    Services to the extent that such claim is attributable to
    an act or omission by You, Your employees, agents or
    subcontractors; and/or
    c) Any claim made against Us by a third party arising out
    of or in connection with the supply of Goods or provision
    of Services to the extent that such claim arises out of
    the breach, negligent performance or failure or delay in
    performance of the Contract by You, Your employees,
    agents or subcontractors, unless they have been
    caused by Our negligence or the negligence of Our
    employees or agents.
    17.3. Subject to clause 17.1, neither of You or Us will be liable to the other
    for any:
    a) any or all of loss of profits; loss of business; or loss of revenue;
    b) loss of or damage to goodwill and/or loss of savings (whether
    anticipated or otherwise); and/or
    c) any indirect or consequential loss or damage.
    17.4 Subject to clause 17.1, Our liability to You is capped at the amount
    of the Fee and this clause shall survive termination of the Contract.

  • 18. Defaults

    18. Defaults
    18.1. If You breach any of the terms of this Contract, We will be entitled
    to serve You with a Default Notice. This will not affect any of Our
    other rights, either under this Contract or by law.
    18.2. If We serve You with a Default Notice which relates to a default
    which can be put right, the Default Notice will tell You what We
    consider the default to be and the timescale in which We expect You
    to put things right.
    18.3. If We by fail to pay You in accordance with clause 6, You shall allow
    Us a minimum of 20 Working Days to rectify the position from the
    date of receipt of a valid undisputed invoice.
    18.4. If there is any disagreement between us as to whether there has
    been a default, or about the action that needs to be taken or the
    timescale within which the action is to be taken, either of us can refer
    the matter for resolution under clause 22.
    18.5. If You fail to put right a default within the timescale set out in the
    Default Notice or We fail to make payment to You after the expiry of
    the 20 Working Day period set out in clause 18.3 either party shall
    each be entitled to terminate this Contract immediately by giving
    notice in writing.

  • 19. Termination

    19. Termination
    19.1. We will be entitled to give You notice ending this Contract
    immediately if:
    a) You breach any of the provisions in regulation 57(1)
    and/or 57(8) Public Contracts Regulations 2015; and/or
    b) You breach clause 26.6.
    19.2. We will be entitled to end this Contract by giving You written notice
    effective from the date specified in Our notice if You commit a
    material breach of the Contract that in Our reasonable opinion
    cannot be remedied or that You have not remedied to Our
    reasonable satisfaction within any timeframe specified in Our
    Default Notice.
    19.3. We will be entitled to end this Contract by giving one calendar
    months’ notice if, following a Service Review, the Service does not
    meet the standards set out in the Purchase Order or Specification
    (as applicable).
    19.4. We may end all or part of this Contract for any reason by giving You
    at least one calendar months’ notice in writing.
    19.5. If all or part of this Contract is ended, whether under clause 18 or
    this clause 19, clause 19.6 will apply.
    19.6. When this Contract is brought to an end, You must give Us all the
    information, files, records and documents which We give You under
    this Contract or which You produced while carrying out Your
    responsibilities under this Contract.
    19.7. You must not keep any copies of the information referred to in clause
    19.6 unless We give You permission or You have to do so by law.
    19.8. On termination of the Contract, You shall immediately return all Our
    Equipment to Us. If You fail to do so, then the We may enter Your
    premises and take possession of Our Equipment. Until Our
    Equipment has been returned or delivered, You shall be solely
    responsible for its safe keeping and will not use it for any purpose
    not connected with the Contract.

  • 20. Transferring and subcontracting the Contract

    20. Transferring and subcontracting the Contract
    20.1. You must get Our permission in writing if You want to:
    a) assign, transfer or otherwise deal in any other manner
    with any or all of Your rights or obligations under this
    Contract to any other person; or
    b) subcontract any of Your responsibilities under this
    We will not unreasonably withhold or delay giving You Our
    permission, as long as We consider the other person to be suitable.
    20.2. If We give You permission to subcontract the Contract, You are still
    liable to Us for all of Your obligations set out in this Contract
    including the ones You may have subcontracted. You will be
    responsible for the acts, failures and neglect of any subcontractor or
    any employee or agent of any subcontractor, as if they were Your
    own acts, failures and neglect.

  • 21. Agency

    21. Agency
    21.1. You must not tell anyone, or allow any of Your employees or agents
    to tell or imply to anyone, that You are Our agents or servants.
    21.2. You must not enter into any contract on Our behalf or in any way
    claim that You are authorised to do so.

  • 22. Disagreements

    22. Disagreements
    22.1. If we disagree about anything related to this Contract, and it cannot
    be resolved by You and Us within 20 Working Days, then either of
    You or Us may tell the other in writing to refer to a meeting at director
    or equivalent senior management level to resolve the issue,
    negotiating in good faith.
    22.2. If after 20 Working Days following the directors’ meeting referred to
    in clause 22.1 the dispute has not been resolved then either of You
    or Us may notify the other that we wish to attempt to settle the
    dispute by mediation, in accordance with the Centre for Effective
    Dispute Resolution (‘CEDR’) Model Mediation Procedure 2000 or
    such later edition as may be in force from time to time.
    22.3. Any agreement reached as a result of mediation shall be binding on
    both of us, but if the disagreement has not been settled by mediation
    within 10 Working Days of the mediation starting then either of You
    or Us may commence legal proceedings.
    22.4. Neither of You or Us shall be prevented by this clause 22 from taking
    steps in relation to court proceedings to protect Your or Our position,
    including applying for interim relief or pursuing proceedings to
    prevent limitation periods from expiring or to protect Your or Our
    employees, agents or users.

  • 23. Variations to the Contract

    23. Variations to the Contract
    23.1. A variation to this Contract (including to the nature of the Services)
    will only be valid if it has been agreed in writing by both of You and
    Us and signed by an authorised person within Our organisation.

  • 24. Waiver

    24. Waiver
    24.1. If either of You or Us fails to enforce or delays in enforcing any right
    or solution which either party is entitled to under this Contract or by
    law, this does not mean that You or Us no longer have this right or
    24.2. If either of the parties ignores a breach on the part of the other, this
    does not mean that either party will ignore any future breach.

  • 25. Information and Retendering

    25. Information and Retendering
    25.1. At Our reasonable request and within 15 Working Days of Us asking
    You, You must provide Us with any information We ask for (at no
    cost to Us) to help Us prepare the necessary documents to appoint
    another person to provide the Goods and Services in Your place.
    25.2. You must make sure that all the information You give Us is accurate
    and give Us permission to use any of the information in the course
    of Our work.

  • 26. Prevention of Fraud and Prevention of Corruption

    26. Prevention of Fraud and Prevention of Corruption
    26.1. You must take all reasonable steps to prevent Fraud by Your staff,
    volunteers and sub-contractors when they receive money from Us.
    26.2. You will notify Us immediately if You suspect that any Fraud is
    happening or is likely to happen.
    26.3. You will not offer or give to Us or any of Our staff any gift or reward
    as an incentive for entering enter into this Contract or any other
    contract with You. You will not show any favouritism to any person
    in relation to this Contract or any other contract with Us and You will
    also refrain from doing anything in order to give an advantage to any
    26.4. You agree that You have not paid any commission to Us or agreed
    to pay any commission to any staff employed by Us in connection
    with this Contract.
    26.5. In performing Your obligations under this Contract, You will comply
    with the Bribery Act 2010 as it applies to Goods and Services
    provided under this Contract.
    26.6. If We discover that You or any of Your staff have breached any of
    the terms this clause 26 in relation to this or any other contract with
    Us We may end this Contract immediately and claim from You any
    fines or penalties We are liable to pay and any costs We incur as a
    result of early termination of the Contract, including the costs of
    making other arrangements for the Goods or Services to be
    provided for the remainder of the Contract period.

  • 27. Validity

    27. Validity
    27.1. If one or more of the terms of this Contract are no longer valid or
    cannot be enforced under any law, the rest of this Contract will
    continue in full force.

  • 28. Remedies

    28. Remedies
    28.1. If Goods are not delivered or Services are not performed on the date
    set out in the Purchase Order then We shall be entitled to (i) deduct
    from the Fee or, (if We have already paid the Fee), claim from You
    liquidated damages for delay 1% of the Fee for every 5 Working
    Days delay up to a maximum of 10% (which You agree is a genuine
    pre-estimate of Our loss or damage) and/or (ii) cancel the Purchase
    Order (or relevant part of the Purchase Order) without liability to You
    and purchase substitute goods or services elsewhere and recover
    from You any loss or additional cost incurred.
    28.2. Any remedy or right which either of You or Us may have in relation
    to a breach committed by the other will be in addition to all other
    rights and remedies available to either of You or Us.

  • 29. Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999

    29. Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
    29.1. The provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
    do not apply to this Contract.

  • 30. Notices

    30. Notices
    30.1. Any notice or other communication under this Contract must be in
    writing and can only be sent by:
    a) recorded delivery post;
    b) hand;
    c) electronic mail;
    30.2. For the purposes of sending written notice or other communication
    by recorded delivery post, personal delivery or electronic mail, each
    of Your and Our addresses are set out in the Purchase Order.
    30.3. All notices and communications will be considered to have been
    a) if posted by recorded delivery post, two Working Days
    after the date it was posted or at the time recorded by
    the delivery service;
    b) if personally delivered, on the date it was delivered
    evidenced by signature of a delivery receipt; or
    c) if sent by electronic mail, when a return receipt confirms
    that the mail has been received.
    30.4. If a notice is considered to have been served on a day which is not
    a Working Day or is not received between 9 am and 5 pm on a
    Working Day, it will be considered to have been served on the next
    Working Day.

  • 31. Force Majeure Events

    31. Force Majeure Events
    31.1. Neither of us shall be in breach of the Contract nor liable for any
    delay in performing or failure to perform any of its obligations under
    the Contract if such delay or failure results from a Force Majeure
    31.2. If a Force Majeure Event occurs the affected party shall be entitled
    to a reasonable extension of time for performing its obligations. If
    the period of delay or non-performance continues for 20 Working
    Days, We may meet to discuss how You can continue to provide the
    Goods and Services until the Force Majeure Event stops. We may
    entirely at Our discretion decide to terminate the Contract by giving
    You 5 Working Day's written notice.

  • 32. Law and Jurisdiction

    32. Law and Jurisdiction
    32.1. This Contract and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection
    with it or its subject matter or formation will be governed by and
    construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. Each
    party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall
    have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including
    non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection
    with this Contract or its subject matter or formation.

  • 33. Entire Agreement

    33. Entire Agreement
    33.1. This Contract sets out the entire agreement between You and Us in
    relation to the Goods and Services.

  • Definitions

    Commencement Date date of Our Purchase Order or the date
    on which You begin supplying the Goods and/or Services to Us,
    whichever is the earliest.
    Confidential information any information which has been
    designated as confidential by either You or Us in writing or that
    ought to be considered as confidential, including information
    which relates to the business, affairs, properties, assets,trading
    practices, services, developments, trade secrets, Intellectual
    Property Rights, know-how, or information relating to either of
    Your or Our personnel, customers and suppliers.
    Contract these terms and conditions together with the Purchase
    Order and any Specification.
    Default Notice a notice setting out the details of a breach or
    default in Your performance of the Contract and, if the breach or
    default can be put right, the action needed to put it right and the
    timescale within which it must be put right.
    Delivery Address the address stated on the Purchase Order.
    Fee the sum or sums We will pay to You in consideration of the
    Services provided or Goods delivered by You and which is
    payable by Us in accordance with clause 6.
    Force Majeure Event acts of war, government decision,
    pandemic, epidemic, riots, civil commotion and any event or
    circumstance which is beyond Your or Our reasonable control
    but excluding any strike or labour dispute of Your staff or any of
    Your subcontractors failing to provide the Goods or Services.
    Fraud any offence under laws creating offences in respect of
    fraudulent acts or at common law in respect of fraudulent acts in
    relation to the Contract or defrauding or attempting to defraud or
    conspiring to defraud Us.
    Goods all goods, materials or articles which We ask You to
    provide to Us under this Contract as set out in the Purchase
    Order and/or the Specification (as applicable).
    Intellectual Property Rights all patents, rights to inventions,
    copyright and related rights, trademarks, service marks, trade,
    business and domain names, rights in goodwill or to sue for
    passing off, unfair competition rights, rights in designs, rights in
    computer software, database rights, moral rights, rights in
    confidential information, (including know how and trade secrets)
    and any other intellectual property rights, in each case whether
    registered or unregistered and including all applications for, and
    renewals or extensions of, such rights, and all similar or
    equivalent rights or forms of protection in any part of the world.
    Mandatory Policies Our policies provided to You by Us from
    time to time.
    Our Equipment any equipment or facilities provided by Us
    which You use to provide the Goods and/or Services.
    Property(ies) the place(s) where You will carry out the Services
    or deliver the Goods which are set out in the Specification and/or
    the Purchase Order.
    Purchase Order any order which is placed on Our official order
    form and to which these terms and conditions apply.
    Regulatory Body an organisation which is set up either by law
    or in some other way, and whose regulatory powers apply to
    either one of Us (or both of Us).
    Services the services to be provided by You to Us under this
    Contract which are described in the Purchase Order and/or the
    Service Review a review of the Services which We may carry
    out from time to time to check that You are performing the
    Services in a way which We consider to be satisfactory and in
    accordance with the terms of this Contract.
    Specification the description included in the Purchase Order, or
    any other written description We may have provided, settingout
    the type of Goods and Services You will provide, and the
    standard of the Goods and Services You will deliver under this
    VAT Value added tax.
    Working Day between 9:00am and 5:30pm Monday to Friday,
    but not any days which are bank or public holidays in the United Kingdom.

Where applicable, the following Approved Contractor Standards will apply to all goods/services/works supplied by your organisation to Housing Solutions:

  • Approved Contractor Standards Policy

    Approved Contractor
    Standards Policy
    Reference: HS_POL_FIN_ACS_2.0 Author: Greg Whelan

    Scope: All contractors Approved by: ET


    Health and Safety at Work Act
    Data Protection Act 1988
    Bribery Act 2010
    Equality Act 2010
    Modern Slavery Act 2015
    Health and Social Care Act 2008
    (Regulated Activities)
    Regulations 2014
    Date of approval: January 2023

    Date of next review: January 2026

    Policies: Health and Safety
    Repairs and Maintenance
    Asbestos Management
    Electric Safety
    Gas Safety
    Water Hygiene & Legionella
    Fire Safety
    Equality, Diversion & Inclusion
    Anti-Fraud, Theft & Bribery Policy
    Data Protection
    Probity Policy

  • Policy

    1. Policy Statement
    1.1 The Approved Contractor Standards provided at Appendix 1 set out the expectations
    that Housing Solutions has of its contractors and sub-contractors whilst working on
    behalf of Housing Solutions.
    2. Scope
    2.1 This policy and the associated Standards cover the requirements that apply to
    contractors whilst working on behalf of Housing Solutions or any client or contractor of
    Housing Solutions to ensure that the highest levels of contractor performance are
    achieved whilst work activities are conducted in a suitable and safe manner.
    2.2 This policy does not relieve the contractor of their responsibilities carried out on
    Page 2 of 3
    behalf of Housing Solutions or any client or contractor of Housing Solutions in
    accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other Acts and
    Regulations where applicable pertaining to the work being undertaken.
    2.3 It is the responsibility of the contractor to communicate the content of this policy to its
    employees, and those of its Sub-contractors and to ensure that it is strictly
    2.4 Failure to adhere to this policy will result in a review of the individual Contractor(s)
    concerned, and a decision will be taken in respect of future employment with Housing
    Solutions or any client or contractor of Housing Solutions.
    2.5 Where applicable, this policy is referenced within Housing Solutions’ contract
    3. Roles and Responsibilities
    The following table outlines the roles and responsibilities in regard to this policy
    Role Responsibility
    Executive Team Approval of this policy
    Assistant Director of Finance &
    To review and manage the delivery of
    this policy
    Heads of Service To ensure adherence to this policy
    Procurement Manager To monitor contractors adherence to
    this policy, report on non-compliance
    with the policy and to promote the
    policy during procurement discussions
    Contractors To adhere to this policy in full
    4. Definitions
    4.1 Contractor – any person commissioned by Housing Solutions to provide goods or
    services, who is not paid via the company payroll.
    5. Legislation
    5.1 The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 places stipulations on employers, staff and
    contractors to ensure a safe working environment and adherence to safe working
    practices. A full list of relevant legislation is provided on the covering page of this policy.
    6. Equality & Diversity
    6.1 Housing Solutions recognises the needs of a diverse population and always acts within
    the scope of its own Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy and Equalities Act 2010.
    Housing Solutions works closely with its partners to ensure it has a clear understanding
    of its resident community with clear regularly updated service user profiles. Housing Solutions will record, analyse and monitor information on ethnicity, vulnerability and disability.
    7. Review
    7.1 This policy will be reviewed on a 3 yearly basis or more frequently in response to changes
    in legislation, regulatory guidance, good practice or changes in other relevant Housing Solutions’ policy.

  • Appendix one


    1. Code of Practice for Approved Contractors

    1.1 The image that we present to our residents is important, so our contractors will:
    • Be smart and clean in appearance
    • Be friendly and courteous
    • Be helpful and understanding
    • Respect and show our values: Ownership, Inclusion, Teamwork and Innovation
    1.2 Contractors should avoid
    Any behaviour which is considered by residents to be:
    • Rude or objectionable
    • Excessively noisy, e.g., use of radios etc.
    • Overly familiar, argumentative, harassing or intimidating
    • Derogatory about customers, contractors, their employer or Housing Solutions
    Contractors must not:

    • Work under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
    • Smoke in or near residents properties.
    1.3 Identification - the contractor will:
    • Wear clear, easy to read, identification cards, in a prominent position on the
    workers clothing, at all times, which includes:
    • The workers name & photograph
    • The company’s name
    • The company’s address and telephone number
    • Use a password if one has been arranged
    • Encourage residents to call the workers company and/or Contractor if they are in
    any doubt about the work or the worker.
    • Show residents a letter or a works order, which confirms they have been
    instructed to carry out work on behalf of Housing Solutions or any client or
    contractor of Housing Solutions.
    When requested contractors will be required to carry out DBS checks and provide
    details to Housing Solutions.
    1.4 Quality of workmanship
    The contractor will carry out work to a high quality and standard as specified and
    approved by us whatever the general state of the property.
    This will include and not be limited to compliance with current Building Regulations,
    British Standards, and any industry best practice guidelines.
    Contractors will be required to provide photographs and notes of the work carried
    out, either by way of email, completion report or uploading into a contractor portal.
    1.5 Visits to residents homes / care homes
    The contractor will:
    • Take all reasonable steps to provide an appointment for residents when
    arranging access to carry out works in their home. All appointments should be
    booked within 24 hours of the repair being reported to the contractor and should
    occur within the repair timescale set by Housing Solutions.
    • Ask permission before entering a residents home or garden to carry out work.
    • Inform and apologise to residents and their neighbours if the work is likely to
    cause a nuisance due to dust, noise etc.
    • Provide residents with a full explanation for any delay in starting or completing
    • Provide updates on revised dates for starting or completing the work.
    • Notify as soon as possible if the visit has to be cancelled and apologise for any
    inconvenience caused. Where possible a minimum of 24 hours notice will be
    • Arrange a mutually convenient time to visit for any further work.
    • Ensure that sufficient notice is given when any disconnection of services or
    interruption of access is necessary
    • Ensure that, where appropriate, any statutory consents are obtained before work
    commences and that any statutory notices have been applied for
    • Ensure that wherever possible work activities are restricted to normal working
    hours or that agreement has been received from residents and neighbours for
    any work outside of this time
    • Ensure that they do not attend a property where there is a lone minor (aged 16 or
    • Leave site immediately and report to Housing Solutions whenever they encounter
    a threatening/potentially violent situation
    • Ensure adequate care is taken in the protection of resident’s fittings, furniture,
    and gardens with the use of dustsheets and screens as required
    • Provide adequate warning and information notices regarding work in progress as
    may be required.
    • Ensure footpaths and rights of way are maintained in a safe condition at all
    • Not to use radios or other audio equipment whilst working in residents’ homes or
    their immediate vicinity and to only use mobile telephones for business use
    • Take reasonable precautions to prevent pollution from noise, smoke, dust or
    • Remove all rubbish generated as a result of working in Housing Solutions
    • Ensure residents and property are left safe and secure before leaving site and
    that all redundant items are removed from home and garden.
    • Leave a card with the caller’s details if the tenant is not in, explaining the reason
    for the call, providing the contact name, address, and telephone number.
    • Not bring pets into or around residents property.
    • Ensure that appropriate levels of self-hygiene are maintained
    • Not park on footpaths, grassed areas and designated resident parking spaces /
    disabled spaces etc.
    • Make Housing Solutions aware of any safeguarding concerns through agreed
    reporting roles or processes.
    Housing Solutions will:
    • Inform the contractor of any residents who are vulnerable or who should not be
    approached alone
    • For those residents identified as vulnerable or who should not be visited alone,
    agree a suitable approach with the contractor to ensure the repair / works are
    completed with the contractor and resident safety being prioritised.
    1.6 Covid compliance or any such transmissible viruses
    All visits must comply with the current guidelines set out by Government and
    Public Health England. This may include ensuring that only operatives with up-todate vaccination status are sent to care homes, evidence of testing and wearing
    PPE. If you are unsure what the current requirements are you must contact and
    agree the necessary action with Housing Solutions.
    Contractors must also make themselves familiar with the Housing Solutions Covid
    Risk Assessments and RAMs.
    1.7 Appointments
    Appointments must be booked with the resident within 24 hours of having been
    notified of the job and attended to within 14 days of being reported. Should a revisit be required with parts ordering, following the initial appointment the revisit
    should be within a 21-day period. If an appointment is missed a charge of £15 will
    be made to the contractor to compensate the resident.
    1.8 Protection of resident’s belongings
    The contractor will make sure that:
    • Furniture, fittings, and carpets are protected by dustsheets. Items of furniture or
    other possessions will be moved with residents permission if this offers further
    • If items are breakable or valuable residents should be advised that it would be
    wiser to move them.
    • Damage to plants, trees etc. shall be avoided as far as possible. If some damage
    is inevitable this should be discussed and agreed with the resident.
    • The area of the residents home which is affected by the work, should be left
    clean and free from any debris.
    • Equipment and materials must be removed wherever possible each day unless
    this is impracticable. In this case it should be stored in a position agreed with the
    • If the property is made unsafe or hazardous, the contractor will give the resident
    and any neighbours who may be affected, adequate warning and the contractor
    will minimise the risk. The contractor will also inform Housing Solutions of the
    issue immediately.
    • Operatives must use cover guards to shoes / boots when working in residents
    1.9 Leaving residents’ homes
    When completing works, contractors will:
    • Explain to the resident what has been done and check to see that they are
    satisfied. If new equipment is installed contractors will leave operating
    instructions and provide a full demonstration on how to use the
    • Check that all services are in working condition at the end of each day,
    during works and when the work is finished.
    • Make sure that the residents home is safe and habitable overnight and at
    weekends when the work cannot be completed within one working day.
    • Contractors may also be asked to provide resident satisfaction
    documentation as part of the post-job process.
    2. Safety Standards for Contractors
    2.1 Protection of the Public
    Protection of the public is of paramount concern and any arrangements must
    allow for the reduced level of awareness of safety risks amongst members of the
    2.2 Responsibilities
    Contractors are required to co-operate with Housing Solutions and individuals in
    discharging their responsibilities. They must:
    • Ensure that a relevant risk assessment is completed before commencing work
    and notified of any subsequent changes to these assessments and ensure that
    persons likely to be affected are identified, are informed of the risks and
    control measures are taken.
    • Ensure that persons under their control follow any rules and procedures
    (including provision and use of Personal Protective Equipment).
    • Ensure that any other person likely to be affected by their operation is informed
    of the risks and the measures necessary to remain unharmed.
    • Prepare a specific method statement where required. It must include all the
    measures necessary to ensure that the operation can be carried out safely and
    must be submitted and agreed before any work commences.
    • Contractors must satisfy themselves that all tools, plant, or equipment are
    suitable for the purpose to which the Contractor intends to use them and that
    they are in good condition and any defects reported without delay. The users must
    be trained, competent and supervised.
    • Every effort must be made to segregate the general public, especially children,
    from work areas.
    • Co-operate with Housing Solutions to enable them to carry out their
    statutory duties.
    • The contractor will be required to comply with the requirements of CDM principal
    contractor / designer.
    2.3 Accident / Incident Reporting / Safeguarding
    Contractors must have their own Accident Book and they must record details of all
    injuries to their employees. All accidents are to be immediately reported to
    Housing Solutions or any client or contractor of Housing Solutions.
    The Contractor must inform the Health & Safety Executive and submit an
    F2508 in the event of a reportable accident to direct or agency employees as
    defined in RIDDOR. A copy of the F2508 document must be forwarded to Housing
    Solutions and/or the Contractor.
    Contractors are also required to keep Housing Solutions or any client or
    contractor of Housing Solutions informed of the subsequent developments of long
    term injuries, diseases, and dangerous occurrences.
    Contractors are also required to notify Housing Solutions where there are any
    concerns in relation to safeguarding issues that they may encounter when
    accessing residents properties.
    2.4 Welfare
    Any facilities provided by the contractor are to be maintained in a safe and clean
    condition and any person wilfully damaging such facilities will be removed from
    site and subsequently be liable to being charged for making good.
    Contractors must assess their particular first aid needs to ensure adequate and
    appropriate first aid provision is made for their employees.
    Smoking and vaping is not permitted on any Housing Solutions sites or properties.
    2.5 Minimum Acceptable Standards
    All tradesmen and operatives employed on behalf of Housing Solutions or any
    client or contractor of Housing Solutions will have a demonstrable skill level
    incorporating Health & Safety training at the appropriate level for the activities
    to be undertaken.
    Contractors are required to declare and be able to demonstrate the level of
    Health & Safety training that has been completed by their managers and
    supervisors, relevant to their responsibilities.
    2.6 Risk Assessments
    The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations requires employers and
    self-employed persons to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks
    to employees and any others who may be affected by their undertaking and
    record the significant findings.
    All risk assessments will be reviewed by Housing Solutions or the contractor prior
    to commencing work on site. A period must be allowed for this process and
    therefore method statements must be submitted by a given date and agreed.
    Failure to comply may result in a delayed start to the operation.
    2.7 Method Statements
    All method statements will be reviewed by Housing Solutions or the contractor
    prior to commencing work on site. To allow review method statements must be
    submitted by a given date and agreed.
    2.8 Fire Precautions
    Contractors retain the primary duty to ensure that all its workers fully understand
    and are familiar with the fire precautions. Care must be taken when using any
    equipment that generates flames, sparks, heat or other similar ignition sources
    and hot work permits will be required for all such activities. No hot works should
    be carried out within the final hour of the day’s work activity.
    Flammable substances must not be brought onto any site without notification in
    the relevant method statement.
    Fire call points, exits and roadways must be kept clear at all times. Where work
    may obstruct/affect access to fire exits, call points and fire equipment,
    notification must be given before this situation arises.
    Contractors must identify and provide their own fire extinguishers/equipment on
    site which must be in a serviceable condition and suitable for the risks involved.
    Waste materials must be removed from the premises at the end of each day, high
    risk items must be removed upon completion of their use.
    2.9 Asbestos
    For any work that involves disturbance of the fabric of the building the contractor
    must make reasonable efforts to identify the likelihood of presence of asbestos in
    the area to be worked or disturbed, for example:
    • look for adhesive labels warning of the presence of asbestos,
    • ask for the site asbestos register,
    If contractors are working with asbestos containing materials the activities must
    be in accordance with the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations, associated
    government codes of practice and company requirements.
    When working with asbestos containing materials, contractors should ensure that
    their workers are competent to carry out their work and are aware of all
    associated risks and control measures.
    Where risk assessments and method statements have been provided workers
    must be aware and work in accordance with them. Records of training and
    competency should be provided when requested.
    For further information please refer to the Asbestos Management document.
    Particular attention should be made to asbestos waste and the correct process
    and procedures are adhered to.
    2.10 Dress code
    Contractor work employees will ensure compliance with the company dress code,
    as a minimum all workers must wear:
    • Identifiable uniform
    • Appropriate safety footwear with mid-sole protection
    2.11 Personal Protective Equipment
    The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations require every employer to
    provide their employees with suitable personal protective equipment to be used
    at work when they may be exposed to a hazard where there is a risk to their
    health or safety that cannot be adequately controlled by other means.
    PPE must be fit for purpose, kept clean, maintained, and stored in good condition,
    with any defects reported.
    2.12 Disciplinary procedure
    Contractors will, when necessary, invoke their disciplinary procedures. Repeat
    infringements or serious offences may result in individuals being removed from
    site and may be precluded from other work for that contractor.
    2.13 Drugs and alcohol
    It is the policy of Housing Solutions or any client or contractor of Housing
    Solutions to seek to ensure that all its sites are free of the use of alcohol and
    prescribed drugs.
    Housing Solutions or any client or contractor of Housing Solutions will exclude
    from its sites any person under the influence of alcohol or prescribed drugs.
    2.14 Good order – housekeeping
    Site tidiness is an essential part of accident reduction and fire prevention
    programs. Areas where Contractors are undertaking work will be kept in a
    reasonable state of cleanliness to prevent slips, trips, and fire hazards.
    Waste, debris, and off-cuts of materials are to be cleared as is necessary but at
    least daily to ensure other users of the site are not put in danger and that floor
    areas or structures are not overloaded. No timber or other material with projecting
    nails shall be allowed to remain in place where they are a source of danger. A
    good order strategy should be in place to manage this requirement.
    All materials / waste removed from site in the first instance should be recycled, or
    if this is not possible, should be disposed of via an approved waste transfer site
    and all waste transfer documentation made available to Housing Solutions on
    2.15 Manual handling
    Contractors are to assess the risk and avoid manual handling where reasonably
    practicable by the use of mechanical aids. Where mechanical aids are not used
    the contractor is responsible for undertaking a detailed assessment of the
    residual risks to be carried out and a safe system of work used to ensure the
    health and safety of the employee. Suitable PPE should be issued where
    2.16 Access equipment / ladders and step ladders
    All access equipment must be assessed for suitability. Ladders (step and lean to)
    may only be used for access where there is no suitable alternative and a risk
    assessment justifies their use.
    It is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that:
    • the equipment used is suitable for the task and regularly inspected
    • workers are suitable trained in working at height procedures.
    Note: Ladders (step and lean to) are not to be used as working platforms unless
    there is no suitable alternative and a risk assessment justifies their use.
    2.17 Lifting operations, excavators, hoists and MEWP’s
    It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all lifting equipment and
    accessories whilst working on behalf of Housing Solutions or any client or
    contractor of Housing Solutions are in compliance with the Provision and Use of
    Work Equipment Regulations and the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
    All lifting operations must be fully assessed and planned by a competent,
    appointed person who has adequate practical and theoretical knowledge and
    carried out in compliance with BS 7121 Safe Use of Cranes.
    All lifting equipment including excavators, hoists, and MEWP’s, must be
    accompanied with all current examination, inspection and test certificates and
    reports for retention by the Principal Contractor.
    2.18 Spraying and mixing
    All contractors and suppliers utilising pesticides will comply with the and be
    trained in the relevant guidance and British Standards and legislations and will
    provide evidence on request.
    2.19 Tools
    It is the contractor’s responsibility to train its’ employees in the use of any tools
    that they utilise in the execution of any services for Housing Solutions or any client
    or contractor of Housing Solutions to the relevant guidance and standard and
    consider all relevant areas of health and safety.
    2.20 Monitoring contractor Health & Safety.
    Although the ongoing monitoring of health and safety is the contractor’s
    responsibility, formal inspection and / or auditing may be carried out by Housing
    Solutions or any client or contractor of Housing Solutions to monitor safety
    Further information on our commitment to health and safety can be found in our
    Health & Safety Policy.
    3. Equality & Diversity
    3.1 Housing Solutions or any client or contractor of Housing Solutions is committed to
    equality and diversity and to the elimination of direct and indirect discrimination in
    all our dealings as an employer and provider of housing and related services.
    Housing Solutions will reflect its duty to promote equality in its procurement
    functions and will ensure that the protected characteristics are integrated into its
    procurement processes.
    More information can be found in our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy
    4. Anti-Fraud, Theft and Bribery Policy Summary
    4.1 Housing Solutions operates a counter fraud, corruption and bribery policy that
    details the steps that must be taken where fraud, corruption or bribery is
    suspected or discovered. Any person who becomes aware of any fraud,
    corruption, bribery, or other illegal act and does not follow this policy could be
    subject to disciplinary action.
    The key objectives of this policy are for Housing Solutions to:
    • demonstrate commitment to minimise the risk of these incidents occurring
    • safeguard assets and reputation
    • provide a framework for whistleblowing
    • ensure Employers and employees can declare private interests which
    potentially conflict with the activities of Housing Solutions
    4.2 Fraud and bribery are criminal offences and the police are likely to be involved.
    Any individual committing acts of fraud or bribery could be subject to both
    criminal and disciplinary action.
    4.3 More information can be found in our Anti-Fraud, Theft and Bribery Policy.

    5. Modern Slavery
    5.1 Housing Solutions will continue to take appropriate steps to ensure that there is
    no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains. This includes
    continuing to review our existing policies and procedures in light of the
    requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Our Modern Slavery statement can
    be found on our website.
    All contractors and suppliers must comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
    6. Social Value
    6.1 The Social Value Act applies to Housing Associations and requires us to consider
    how social value can be provided in service contracts in local areas. Contractors
    and suppliers consider how they can help fulfil the requirements by working in
    partnership with the Resident Engagement Team at Housing Solutions. This may
    include providing working opportunities, e.g. apprenticeships if available or to
    provide local neighbourhood improvement support. As a guide the contractor
    should endeavour to provide support in the region of 1% of the service fee
    6.2 As a requirement of any formal tender exercise, contractors will need to
    demonstrate to Housing Solutions that that have implemented a clear Corporate
    Social Responsibility policy and/or culture at their company.
    7. Contractor understanding and compliance

    7.1 This policy will form a part of any subsequent Subcontract or Purchase order.
    7.2 Contractors are deemed to have read and have understood all the above and will
    comply with all the requirements of the Code of Practice and Safety Standards
    when working on behalf of Hosing Solutions.
    7.3 Contractor policies and procedure shall comply with the Equality Act 2010 and
    cover the 9 protected characteristics
    7.4 Contractors are deemed to have read and have understood Housing Solutions
    • Health and Safety
    • Repairs and Maintenance
    • Asbestos Management
    • Electric Safety
    • Gas Safety
    • Water Hygiene & Legionella
    • Fire Safety
    • Equality, Diversion & Inclusion
    • Anti-Fraud, Theft & Bribery Policy
    • Data Protection
    7.5 Housing Solutions reserve the right to remove or suspend contractors from our
    approved supplier list if we find them to be in breach of these standards or bring
    Housing Solutions into disrepute.
    8. Probity
    8.1 Contractors will carry out their work in an accountable and transparent manner
    and in accordance with the highest standards of probity, professionalism and
    8.2 Contractors will not exploit their positions and relationship with Housing Solutions
    8.3 Contractors will disclose any known relationships with Housing Solutions staff or
    residents where these may overlap with work carried out on behalf of the
    8.4 Contractors will disclose any other potential conflict of interest arising from work
    to be carried out on behalf of the organisation
    9. Invoicing
    9.1 Contractors will ensure they price and code completed repairs as per agreed
    rates. Invoices will be disputed and remain unpaid until disputed queries have
    been resolved to a satisfactory status.
    9.2 Contractors are required to respond to invoice disputes within 2 working days
    of receipt. Housing Solutions will work collaboratively with contractors in
    pursuing an amicable resolution.
    9.3 Contractors invoices must detail a full description of works carried out and a
    breakdown of labour and material costs. Invoices will be delayed for payment
    if this information is missing.