Staying Safe Around Pets

Pets are a wonderful addition to a family but there can be health and safety risks associated with having pets both in the home and out in the community. This short guide will give some top tips around pet safety:

·       Supervise your children and visitors around pets

·       Set some rules for children and visitors e.g. not to approach when pets are sleeping, unwell or tired

·       Have a safe space for your pet if required

·       Encourage visitors and children to be calm and gentle around pets

·       Read your pet’s body language and take action as necessary – more information can be found at the RSPCA website

·       Take steps before a new born baby arrives e.g. setting up equipment prior to the baby being born, supervising contact and having a safe space for the pet – more information can be found at the NHS website

It is really important to ensure that your pets are healthy and up to date with their vaccinations including treatments e.g. flea and worming (pet dependant).

Dangerous dogs 

In the UK, it’s against the law to own certain types of dog.

These are the:

·       Pit Bull Terrier

·       Japanese Tosa

·       Dogo Argentino

·       Fila Brasileiro

·       XL Bully dogs (England and Wales)

It is recommended to not approach dogs that are unknown to you.

More information on illegal dogs can be found here -

Dog Fouling

Keep Britain Tidy estimate that in the UK alone there are more than 8 million dogs producing more than 1,000 tonnes of mess every day! It is really important to manage dog waste responsibly to protect the community for all to enjoy.

Anyone who fails to clear up after their dog can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of up to £100. If the case goes to court this could cost the owner or person in charge of the animal up to £1,000.

How to report Anti-Social Behaviour to us