Summer Safety Edition

Now that summer is finally here, we have collated some useful advice and information or all our resident to ensure that you have a safe summer.

During the summer, we would expect children to be able to play in communal spaces. We would just respectfully ask that parents are supervising their children and aware of what their children are always up to, for their safety and to prevent nuisance and disturbance being caused to others. Historically we have received reports of children using chalk to draw on patioed area’s, we do not consider this to be anti-social behaviour as the chalk can easily be washed away.

Going on Holiday

If you are going away on holiday, try and avoid sharing holiday snaps online or checking into your location. If you do, you could be highlighting that your home is empty. If you are going away for more than two weeks, let us know who we should contact in the event with an emergency with your property.

Keeping cool at home

  • Keep your curtains closed. Keeping the sun out, help keeps the heat out!
  • Keep your windows open either side of your property to create a breeze.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Did you know you can also use a hot water bottle as an ice pack by filling it with cold water and popping it in the freezer for a few hours.

Communal Area Safety

  • All Children’s toys must be cleared away at the end of each day.
  • Large pools such as the Bestway style pools, are not permitted in Communal area’s due to their size, and must be removed immediately. Small paddling pools are permitted in Communal gardens, but must be emptied at the end of each day and stored appropriately to comply with our insurance.
  • Benches, table/chairs, BBQs, Pools, Children’s toys, bikes and scooters should not be stored within 2 metres of the building due to fire regulations, our insurance and our neighbourhood management policy.

Fire Safety

  • BBQ Safely! - BBQ’s are only permitted within our communal area’s if they are two meters away from tree’s, combustible materials, buildings, sheds and fences. We would recommend keeping a bucket of water or sand nearby in case of an emergency.  They should not be left unattended and must be  fully extinguished and the gas bottle is turned off and removed safely use once they have cooled.
  • Remove all glass or mirrored items from your windowsill or balcony. A Strong Light Reflection can on occasions start a fire.
  • Make sure to dispose of cigarettes correctly and never through them out of a window or from a balcony.

Test your smoke alarms regularly and if you discover and issue please report this to Housing Solutions to raise a repair.