Whatever it is you need to get into employment we can help!
- Want to get back into work?
- Not sure how to start finding work?
- Need to up-skill or re-train?
- Fancy starting your own business?
Did you know that as well as providing housing we can give you employment support? That could be by helping create a personalised action plan, signposting you to useful agencies and links, finding relevant training, helping with your CV and more. We’d love to meet you to understand your circumstances, interests and how we can help so contact our Employment and Community Partnerships Coordinator now to book your Employment Support 1-1 on 01628 543124 or email Pal.sandhu@housingsolutions.co.uk
Make sure you keep an eye on our Facebook page to learn about new local job vacancies, training opportunities and other key dates
Useful local agencies:
Grow Our Own, RBWM - http://growourown.co.uk/
Ways into Work - http://waysintowork.com/
Community Learning & Skills Service, RBWM - Click Here
Community Learning & Skills Service, Slough - Click Here
Optalis,Wokingham - Click Here